
SMEs are one of the most targeted segments by cybercriminals, due to their often weak and insecure infrastructure.

At Redvon, we help to protect your organisation against attacks, from ransomware, to encrypted threats, to zero-day attacks.

If you’re looking to protect your organisation from threats and want an enterprise-grade solution designed to suit the needs of SMEs, contact Redvon today.

Advanced threats we protect against:

accept Ransomware
accept Fileless Malware
accept Encrypted Malware

accept Cryptojacking
accept Malvertising
accept Phishing


A weak IT Security strategy leaves your business open to risk and not only data loss but severe financial loss and damages.

Threats such as malware, ransomware and phishing attacks are all on the rise, therefore we have partnered with leading cybersecurity provider, Sonicwall, to provide you with a robust and multi-layered IT Security solution.

Real-time threat detection

Real-time threat detection

Using an automated platform to detect and prevent breaches.

Email security

Email security

Protect against targeted phishing attacks and email fraud.

Next generation firewall

Next generation firewall

Including sandboxing, anti-malware, intrusion prevention and web filtering.

Endpoint security

Endpoint security

Keep endpoints clean of malware and enforce access and content rules.

Deep packet inspection (DPI)

Deep packet inspection (DPI)

Decrypt and inspect SSL traffic in real time keeping your organisation safe.

High speed performance

High speed performance

Leverage multi-core parallel-processing hardware architecture.

Protect your organisation from attacks.

SMEs are one of the most targeted segments by cybercriminals, due to their often weak and insecure infrastructure.

At Redvon, we help to protect your organisation against attacks, from ransomware, to encrypted threats, to zero-day attacks.

If you’re looking to protect your organisation from threats and want an enterprise-grade solution designed to suit the needs of SMEs, contact Redvon today.

Advanced threats we protect against:

accept Ransomware
accept Fileless Malware
accept Encrypted Malware
accept Cryptojacking
accept Malvertising
accept Phishing

Get In Touch With Us Today

We're ready to help you achieve! 


Empowering your digital future

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 08am to 6pm
Saturday: On-Demand
Sunday: On-Demand