Managed Cloud Solutions

Our managed cloud solutions involve vendor-certified IT consultants who are specialists across a wide range of cloud solutions.

Managed cloud services include full or part management of an organisation’s public, private or hybrid cloud resources and infrastructure and combine configuration, migration, maintenance, security and optimisation services.


Our core managed cloud services

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 includes a wide range of cloud based business applications such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. Redvon are an accredited Microsoft Solutions Partner and have a dedicated Microsoft Solutions consultancy team.

Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud is an environment that enables you to combine infrastructure stored both on premise and in the public/private cloud. This is a common setup for the majority of organisations we work with.

Microsoft Azure

Redvon has a specialist Microsoft Azure Consultancy team. Azure is Microsoft’s public cloud environment that enables organisations to host IT infrastructure, scale resources and maintain high levels of security. Opus fully manage a range of Microsoft Azure solutions.

Cloud Migration

Whether you want to migrate your outlook exchange to the cloud or business critical applications or IT infrastructure our dedicated
cloud migration IT consultants
can assist.

Private Cloud

Implemented by organisations where the public cloud is not suitable, the private cloud is a highly secure environment setup and used exclusively by one organisation via a third-party data centre or, for highly regulated organisations such as Government agencies.

Cloud Backup

Redvon provides a wide range of Cloud backup solutions. This is an efficient solution for all organisations to securely back up their data and enables quick and efficient data restoration without any disruption or downtime.

Keep Your Data Safe And Help Speed Up Productivity

Cloud storage can provide valuable solutions for businesses of all sizes. Cloud-based technologies are essential for ever-changing work patterns. It is flexible and cost-effective, and companies that have quickly adapted to changing technologies are gaining a competitive advantage.



Safety is often a primary concern. Cloud storage offers excellent security for businesses of all sizes. Cloud storage stores data across several redundant servers, so you never need to worry about losing the information that you have on them.



Cloud storage systems are highly cost-effective because you are outsourcing your data. No internal resources are needed to assist in managing and protecting data, and your Cloud storage provider will take care of everything.



When using Cloud storage, team members can all access and share data wherever they are located. In addition, they can share real-time updates and access the most recent versions of different files, leading to greater productivity and cohesion.

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Empowering your digital future

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Monday to Friday: 08am to 6pm
Saturday: On-Demand
Sunday: On-Demand